Dear Nicole and Martyn,
This is Ignats reaching out.
I hope this message finds you sailing joyfully and smoothly.
I hope your new year has started in a truly great way.
Wishing you the best in it!
After our meeting, I took time to understand the way your business operates online, and I have come to a vision about our next steps.

Below is my review of a significant opportunity that floats just ahead for your brand in the digital space and for us moving ahead with the potential cooperation in terms of the Divine Connection Retreats on board Malex.
Let's start with The Question
What is it that you as owners of the Yacht In Style and I as a starting practitioner in the luxury yacht business are in desperate need of?
Answer: we all need quality market awareness.
This means neither of us can succeed in what we have begun until we know who are the people we are best suited for. The tricky part is that it will not be up to us to decide eventually. We just have to pick our target audiences and be patient so the answer can reveal itself in time along with the sum of experience.

That being said, I see a definite win-win situation even before we start inviting couples on board within the framework of my project.
How I can support our goals in moving ahead
Offering to fix and upgrade weak and inefficient aspects of your brand's appearance online (and potentially offline).
This work simultaneously will lead me to learn more about the market thus improving our (as a group) much-needed market awareness which will lead to market proof once we consistently target certain segments of it.
So I divided my vision into 4 major aspects of work that must be done for all of us to be much more comfortable looking into the upcoming high season
the logo
As you can see next to this text, I have created an example (for demonstration purposes only) of your brand's logo after making some adjustments that positively affect psychology (including memorization of the logo which is one of the basic goals of it), brand association (for it to align with the modern business environment), and improved alignment with the look and feel of what is it like to be on board of Malex.

The improved logo has 3 critical differences in comparison with the present logo:
1. a much stronger statement (corresponds to the brand's voice) thanks to the increased width of the letters;
2. a clearer distinguishable look without readability issues;
3. it ads an object (a yacht) that is a focal point for memorization of the brand.

The logo I created has a demonstration purpose only to help us get clear about the untapped potential of the brand's visual representation.
for consistent lead generations
After auditing the website, I have come up with a list of must-haves in terms of improvements that will ensure the site is ready for converting at the industry's rate.

The good part is that in terms of the structure, the site is well enough organized. With several tweaks in fixing the user journey, it should work considerably more efficiently adding to the average time spent on site which would mean a much more correct/impactful impression left on the user.

User experience overall is exploited to around 30% of its potential making it hard to hope that the site will steadily generate leads and support the brand's market cap growth.

With the implementation of the appropriate value propositions, precise differentiation, and user journey upgrades throughout the website, we would be able to gradually switch to the version of the website that generates leads regularly.
including SEO & paid ads
The good part, as I can see in my analytics, is that backlinks have been taken care of and some keywords have been set for search engines to learn about your service which will help in the site's recognition on Google.

SEO, ads, blogs, forums, groups, and other external links leading to the site are not making a difference mainly because the site itself is not made with conversions in mind. It might work in some cases by chance as the human factor always is there but it surely does not work as it can in the industry and the specific location.
The fourth aspect is the creation of a marketing system that would be aligned with the business goals.

Watch the short video demo example below demonstrating the way of marketing the specific types of services based on previous or long-term customers' experiences.
Check out one of the smart ways to represent value online with the help of the so-called flipbook. It is a demo version so the text there is not the actual copy. The look and feel of it reminds a physical brochure as you can browse through pages and flip them with a touch of fingers (if on a mobile device or using a touchscreen).
Major results after the described work would be done:

1. the website is enabled for consistently predictable conversions in the accordant market segment and its sub-niche(s) where YOUR money is. Using the correct approach in copywriting, visual storytelling, and other tools and techniques would streamline the site user's decision-making process;

2. the quality and quantity (themes, versions, accents, etc.) of the marketing materials online both match the expected standards from the target audience's point of view (market standard production level);

3. the marketing side of the business has a system in place (sales funnels, newsletters, automation, etc.) to generate the same or better sales results regardless of who is in charge of the marketing management on your side in the long run. The competition would be analyzed and the differentiation would be properly set to stand out in your niche;

4. overall market awareness allows for setting the right sales targets in high and low seasons accordingly (enabling you to provide clear directions to people involved in sales);

5. the yacht would be booked by a specific mindfully chosen segment of the target audience meaning optimal culture-fit people are regular guests boosting the recognition of the brand at a much higher speed, thus generating more target leads over time partially without the need for additional marketing activities;

6. Saved time, nerves, and money by receiving support, methodology, and knowledge from me for your business.
the service
It is me, Ignats Knuslis, on behalf of my company IK Brangency, and with the help of Marion as my business partner along with some team members potentially in the future.
Thank you for your time going through the information
I and Marion are looking forward to seeing you soon so that we can move on with what feels like an exciting year ahead of us!
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